It started with a ten hour drive in a van overloaded with gear and bodies. A crew of my friends from San Francisco were on their way to Park City for five days to host a snow kiting camp. We drove through the night, pulling into a coffee shop parking lot in Park City around 4:00am. After only a couple hours of upright sleep I was awoken by an elderly man knocking on the window asking if I was OK. At least he opened the coffee shop so we could caffeine up before grabbing the snowmobile and heading straight to Skyline.

When we arrived the wind was light, but I knew it didn't take as much power to go as on water and there would probably be more wind higher up the ridges. I still went with my 13m. It was perfect. I rode till the sun went down, gliding over rocks, jibing trees, and just making tracks.

The next day we headed back to Park City for the camp. We rode at Strawberry Reservoir for the next 4 days. The wind was a lot cleaner coming off the frozen water instead of through a canyon and over a ridge. Two days in, however, a rain storm rolled through and fucked up all the snow. Sticky snow is a nighmare. Riding... riding... nose dive!

After the camp was over we packed the van and mobbed back to Cali. With the snow getting worse and worse there too, I decided snow time was over and flew out to Maui to get reacquainted with my true love: kickers.